Friday, August 24, 2007

82 minutes of remorse

Nicole Richie turned herself in to jail yesterday, and turned herself right around 82 minutes later. Eighty-two minutes is barely enough time for the dank prison air to hit your lungs, but apparently it was enough time to deem Nicole a "cooperative" inmate. Of course she was cooperative. I hear claustrophobia doesn't set in until the 83rd minute.

So, to commemorate her 82 minutes, I offer you a list of 10 activities that can be accomplished within 82 minutes' time.

1. Get a manicure, pedicure, and allow adequate time for drying
2. Renew your license on a busy day at a Manhattan DMV
3. View the Simpsons movie (exact running time, 82 minutes)
4. Go to the dentist, get X-rays, a cleaning, and travel back home
5. Knit an infant-sized hat
6. Fly from New York City to Nantucket, and collect your luggage
7. Wait for a table at Nobu
8. Watch two episodes of Top Chef, if you fast forward the commercials
9. Play a leisurely game of Scrabble
10. Read the important parts of Nicole's book The Truth About Diamonds, at least twice


Unknown said...

Thanks. You have cracked me up.

E. Peevie

Unknown said...

Don't know about you, but I can polish off about a week's worth of work in that time -- and put those other 2,318 minutes to far better use (by interviewing elsewhere, say).

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