Monday, July 16, 2007

3 things on my mind

Filthy Cabs
You know that indentation behind the cab's inside door handle? I saw one this weekend that really did resemble a petri dish. And there was enough garbage on the floor to make one think that the cab was used as a float in the Puerto Rican Day parade. If this happens to you, I implore you: Do not tip the driver. No one should feel like they need to be autoclaved when they get out of the car. And for the love of God, Mr. Cab driver, how about investing in a package of Pledge Wipes? Anything would help.

Your leggings
July is in full swing, the humidity is through the roof. What to wear, you wonder? If the answer is leggings, I'd like to say the following to you:
Lady, it's 90 degrees out. Those leggings? I want to use my stiletto to rip them off your sweaty limbs. Save leggings for winter!

Buttered toast

Do you know how hard it is for a line cook to butter toast? Apparently, it very, very difficult. It backs the whole kitchen up. Or so the latest wave of waiters and waitresses would have you think. It's not like I'm asking you to cut my crusts off (full disclosure: it's crossed my mind) -- I'm asking you to finish the job you started. Toast, in typical American breakfast establishments, is made up of one part bread, one part butter. When you don't butter it in the kitchen, the bread is too cold to melt the butter once its made its way to my table five minutes later. And the rest of my food gets cold as I try to finish the job you started. Can we please work on this?

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